Sary's Gold
A young widow must change into a ruthless gold miner/outlaw while battling a brutal town and one obsessed man who only wants her alive - or dead if he can't have her.
Upon the hunting death of her husband by her brother, Seb, Sary is forced into her brother’s charge… neither is pleased with this arrangement, but it's the 1880's; women have no say. He's an impotent, sadistic dreamer with ideas of striking gold using his sister as his mule. Sary finds herself in a surreal nightmare… living under a tarp, panning for gold, and shunned or stalked by Big Bear's rough mining town, - a dissipated ruin of a saloon owner, Julian Delacorte, his psychotic son, a madam, Hand Mc Adams, who wants to recruit Sary - and a rash young traveling actor.
Sary and Seb's early luck wither under Big Bear's thin sere air when he recklessly decides to plunder an abandoned mine, managing to blow himself up with gelignite, at the same time Julian's son and his dumb as a plank goon-bodyguard, rape Sary. Sary's unexpected defense and the killing of her attackers, the death of her brother in the abandoned mine shaft, the discovery of a gold vein as big as Texas, pregnancy and surviving the hardscrabble land, as winter comes and goes, Sary becomes a thing of legend and witchery as she is hunted as fair game....

Available at The Wild Rose Press
fine Book sellers everywhere...

Praise for Sary's Gold...
Few people know about the amazing gold strike in Big Bear Calif at the turn of the century. Sary's Brother Seb cast an iron hand over his beautiful hard scrabble kid sister, who despite all the desperate odds stacked against her, including small town persecution, torture and rape, beat the evil obsession of the man who wanted her more than life itself. Against impossible odds she triumphed over the hell she lived through.
The writer was urged to also write the screenplay, which she did and it won a national award in a prestigious competition, doubtless because SARY'S GOLD is one of the strongest protagonists I have ever encountered.
A must read and a sure fire Oscar for any actress who can strut her stuff from tender love to fiery revenge.
Abraham Alan Ross The Brogan Agency
This is a fast-paced story offered by a wordsmith of the first order. Even as you read, emotions are high or low depending on what is happening... as the story unfolds. Sary persists against hugh odds and clever enemies. Her friends are varied, which makes the story interesting, and sometimes they are even helpful. You will want to know if she "makes it", or is broken by her harsh circumstances....but don't hurry to the end. A colorful, well-written saga from the old gold-rush days; Shipley has captured the essence of those times so very well.
“Sary and company are some unique, tough folks. I was intrigued by the complexity and consistency of the dialog and sense of place, much like Deadwood on HBO. The plot moves swiftly from scene to scene bringing fresh characters, language and oddities at every turn. This is a brilliant, thoughtful work and deserves to be seen. The action paragraphs are as colorful as the script, so there is no disconnect. Every line is in the archaic language of the era, or close enough. I’m supposed to find weaknesses…but any weaknesses in this script are strengths. It’s simply too good to pick apart at this point. Ahhh, there’s much more. This is written is the language of the day…the language takes on a character of its own….”
~from a script evaluation
Contest Wins and Credits
Sary’s Gold/Adult/Action: ScriptPimp Grand Prize
Top 10 Contest Of Contests
Top 25 Expo LA V.
20/20 Grand Prize